CS 3343 Analysis of Algorithms
Fall 11

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Slides, pictures

  • Thursday 8/25/11: Analyzing algorithms slides
    sortingProblemDef, insertionSortBrief, loopInvariant1, loopInvariant2, loopInvariant3, runtime, bestCaseWorstCaseRuntime,
  • Tuesday 8/30/11: Announcement, asymptoticNotation, runtimesLargeN, runtimesGraph, definitions, examples1, examples2, examples3, examples4, ohOmegaLemma,
  • Thursday 9/1/11: propertiesLittleOh, littleOhExamples, logRule, exponential, codeSnippet1, codeSnippet2, codeSnippet3, summations, arithmeticSeriesProof, HarmonicNumberProof1, HarmonicNumberProof2,
  • Tuesday 9/6/11: limitTheorem, heaps, heapsPossibleImplementations, maxHeapDef, heapEx, lemma1, lemma2, insert, insert2, insertEx, extractMax_heapifyDown, extractMax_heapifyDownEx, heapsort, buildHeap,
  • Thursday 9/8/11: Mergesort slides,
    heapEx, buildHeapRuntime1, buildHeapRuntime2, summationAndProduct, heightOfRecursionTree, substitutionMethod, inductiveStep, baseCase, pick_c_and_n0,
  • Tuesday 9/13/11: divideAndConquer, divideAndConquerMergesort, binarySearch, binarySearchRuntimeRecursionTree, binarySearchBigOhInduction, recursionTreeEx, recursionTreeEx2, bigOhInductionEx,
  • Thursday 9/15/11: Master theorem slides
    mergesortEx1, logs, case1Ex, case1Exb, case1Exb2, case3Ex, binarySearchEx, caseNotApplyingToMasterTheorem,
  • Tuesday 9/20/11: More divide and conquer slides,
    polynomials_and_recursiveSquaring, matrixMultiplication, divideAndConquer-matrixMult1, divideAndConquer-matrixMult2,
  • Thursday 9/22/11: experiment, dieExample, probabilityProperties, randomVariable, expectedValue, expectedValueEx, linearityOfExpectation, linearityOfExpectationProof, hireAssistant, hireAssistantRuntime, randomizeHireAssistant, randomizedHireAssistantExpectedRuntime1, randomizedHireAssistantExpectedRuntime2,
    project1-polynomial, project1-observations, project1-polynomials2, project2-pseudoCode,
  • Tuesday 9/27/11: Randomized algorithms & quicksort slides
    , quicksortArithmeticSeries, almostBestCase,
  • Thursday 9/29/11: Sorting slides
    partitionBestCaseWorstCase, expectedValue, summations, numberLeavesDecisionTree,
  • Tuesday 11/4/11: Study problems for midterm 1, Review for midterm 1: html, pdf,
    binaryAndHexNumbers, radixSortWrongDirection, quicksort,
  • Thursday 10/6/11: Order statistics slides, Order statistics slides with annotations
    radixSort32Passes, radixSort8Passes, radixSortRuntime, masterTheorem, orderStatisticsPartition, orderStatisticsWorstCaseRuntime, orderStatisticsDifferentPartitions,
  • Thursday 10/13/11: Red-Black Tree slides,
    orderStatistics, recursionTree, rightRotation,
  • Tuesday 10/18/11: B-Tree slides,
    BtreeConditions, BtreeConditions2, BtreeHeight,
  • Thursday 10/20/11: DP slides
    homework6, numberChildrenBtree, recursiveFib, fibRecursionTree,
  • Tuesday 10/25/11: DP slides with annotations
    prefixes, LCS-recurrenceEx
  • Thursday 10/27/11: LCS_length, LCS_length2, print_LCS, print_LCS2, greedyAlgorithms, greedyAlgorithms2, makingChangeGreedy, makingChangeGreedy-Counterexample, greedyCorrectnessProof1, greedyCorrectnessProof2, greedyCorrectnessProof3, makingChangeDP, makingChangeDP-Ex,
  • Tuesday 11/1/11: Graph slides, Graph slides (with annotations)
    recitationAnnouncements, makingChangeRuntime, directedGraphEx, undirectedGraphEx, undirectedGraphEx2, adjacencyList, adjacencyMatrix, tree,
  • Thursday 11/3/11: announcements, BFS_and_levelOrderTraversal, DFS_and_preOrderTraversal, DFS_recursionStack, paths, DFS_tree, acyclicGraphs, connectedGraph,
  • Tuesday 11/8/11: Study problems for test 2, Review for test 2,
    B-tree, DAG_and_deterministicSelect,
  • Thursday 11/10/11: MST slides
    (Optional supplementary material: Union find slides)
    mstLemmaEx, mstLemmaEx2, minHeap, extraOfficeHours,
  • Thursday 11/17/11: Single source shortest path slides,
    Dijkstra_set_S, DijkstraEx, PrimEx,
  • Tuesday 11/21/11: More shortest path slides
    floydWarshallEx, floydWarshallEx2,
  • Tuesday 11/29/11: P and NP slides, graduate programs slides
    completeGraphs, P_NP_diagram, TSP_decisionVariant,
  • Thursday 12/1/11: Study problems for the final, Final exam review
    clique, independentSet, proveNPcompleteness, diagram,
  • Tuesday 12/6/11: finalExam, officeHours, predecessorMatrix, knapsackDP1, knapsackDP2,

    This Syllabus is provided for informational purposes regarding the anticipated course content and schedule of this course. It is based upon the most recent information available on the date of its issuance and is as accurate and complete as possible. I reserve the right to make any changes I deem necessary and/or appropriate. I will make my best efforts to communicate any changes in the syllabus in a timely manner. Students are responsible for being aware of these changes.
    Last modified by Carola Wenk,   carola at cs.utsa.edu ,