CS 5633 Analysis of Algorithms

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Chapters 1-4. Preliminaries:
Growth of Functions
Asymptotic Notation
Recurrence Relations
Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized Algorithms

Chapters 6-9. Sorting:
Counting Sort, Radix Sort, Bucket Sort
Medians and Order Statistics

Chapters 2.3, 7, 38.2. Divide and Conquer Techniques:
Strassen's Algorithm

Chapters 10-13, 18. Trees and Hashing:
Elementary Data Structures
Hash Tables
Binary Trees
Red-Black Trees

Chapters 15-17. Design Techniques:
Dynamic Programming
Greedy Algorithms
Amortized Analysis

Chapters 22-26, Graph Algorithms:
Breadth and Depth First Search
Topological Sort
Strongly Connected Components
Minimum Spanning Trees
Single-Source Shortest Paths
All-Pairs Shortest Paths
Maximum Flow

Chapters 32-33 Computational Geometry and String Matching:
Convex Hull
Line Segment Intersection
Nearest Neighbors
Polygon Triangulation
Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations
String Matching

Chapter 34, NP-Completeness

Last modified by Carola Wenk,   carola @ cs.utsa.edu ,