CS 3233 Discrete Mathematical Structures

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Homework Assignments and Exams:

There will be ten weekly homework assignments of equal weight which are given out each Monday and are due Wednesday of the next week before class. Homeworks will be posted on the
homework page.

There will be two midterm exams and one comprehensive final exam:
Midterm 1WednesdayOctober 64:00pm-5:15pm in the classroom
Midterm 2WednesdayNovember 104:00pm-5:15pm in the classroom
FinalFridayDecember 101:30pm-4:15pm in the classroom
All exams will be closed-book and closed notes (no electronic devices allowed). However, for the final exam (but not for the midterms) you are allowed to bring one handwritten 4 inch by 6 inch card (one-sided), that you have to turn in with the exam.

Review of the grading of a homework or an exam must be requested 2 weeks after the graded exam/homework is returned to you. Be aware that such a review will consider the exam/homework as a whole, and as a result your grade is just as likely to go down as it is to go up.

Neat and concise solutions are required in order to receive full credit for your solutions. If you cannot solve a particular problem, state this clearly in your write-up, and write down only what you know to be correct; rambling at length about ideas that don't quite work may cause additional points to be deducted.

You are welcome to work in groups to solve the homework assignments, in fact, you are encouraged to do so. However, you have to write up your solution on your own. You are not allowed to read, copy, or rewrite the solutions written by others (in this or previous terms). See the section on Academic Integrity.


Attendance will not be taken, neither in class nor in the recitation sections. However, students are fully responsible for all material presented or assigned in class. Furthermore there will be weekly quizzes in the recitation sections, whose total score determine the recitation section grade. For these reasons, attendance is strongly recommended.

Recitation Policy:

The recitation section will have a short quiz nearly every week. Only two quizzes will be dropped, so regular attendance is a must. Illness, car break down, or other emergencies do not earn you more quizzes that you are allowed to drop or make up.

In order to encourage active participation in the recitations you receive one full quiz credit each for the first two times you participate actively in the recitation. This means actively working on solving a problem, presenting a solution on the board, etc. The two participation credits have to be earned in two different recitations. These credits count as regular quiz credits, so if you do not participate, this will count as two zero credits.

The recitation grade will be determined by the quiz scores.

Late Policy:

Without prior arrangements, missed exams and homework assignments result in a score of zero. In order to take a make-up exam, contact Carola prior to the exam if you have to miss it for some valid reason; documentation may be required. Notification after the exam will result in a score of zero.

There are no late days of any type for homework assignments. Late homework will not be graded for credit. In extra-ordinary cases (a two-day cold does not count since you have 10 days to complete the assignment), contact Carola prior to the due date to get a homework extension.


The class grade will be based on the following weighted scale:

You will receive the full 15% of the homework assignment portion of your grade if you averaged at least 60% of the homework scores. Otherwise the homework portion will be 0.

The weighted average will determine your letter grade roughly as follows:
A  >= 90%
B  >= 80%
C  >= 70%
D  >= 60%
E  < 60%

The recitation grade will be determined by the quiz scores.

Handouts and Pictures:

The class web page will have links to all class handouts as they become available.

During the lectures we will mainly use the board. Carola will take pictures of the board during the lectures. Those pictures will be available on the webpage, such that you can see what has been covered in class if you happen to have missed a class. There is however no guarantee that the pictures will be complete. Handouts and pictures will be available here.

Academic Integrity:

You are welcome to work in groups to solve the homework assignments, in fact, you are encouraged to do so. However, you have to write up your solution on your own. You are not allowed to read, copy, or rewrite the solutions written by others (in this or previous terms). If you're stuck on a problem and unable to get to the instructor for help, then we suggest you try and use hints from a publicly available source such as a textbook or journal article. The source should be cited and you have to write the solution in your own words. It should be apparent to us that you understand the solution for full credit.

Every cheating will be reported to the office of academic integrity. The punishment for cheating on an assignment or quiz will be the docking of the final grade by one mark (so, a C instead of a B for example). If two people are caught sharing solutions then both the copier and copiee will be held equally responsible. Cheating on an exam will result in failing the course.

Last modified by Carola Wenk,   carola @ cs.utsa.edu ,