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    Carola says Re: grades to Dennis (12/15/04)
    Dennis says grades to Carola Wenk (12/13/04)
    Carola says Homework 9 -- CHANGE to all (11/18/04)
    Andrew Young says HW 4, question 5 to Prof. Wenk (09/30/04)
      Carola says Re: HW 4, question 5 to Andrew Young (09/30/04)
    Carola says Material relevant for midterm 1 to all (09/29/04)
    Carola says recitation this Wednesday 9/29 to all (09/28/04)
    Carola says homeworks 2 and 3; due dates to all (09/14/04)
    Douglas Mendizabal says Textbook for cheap to all (09/01/04)
    Carola says More interesting online resources to all (08/25/04)
    Carola says Monday recitation cancelled to all (08/25/04)
    Carola says Hello to all (08/24/04)
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