TIDE 1022 Computational Thinking for Work and Play
Fall 14

Dr. Julie Hernandez

Geeks will 'CTRL + S' the world? Smartphones and GIS mapping for Public Health programmes

This presentation will look at how Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and electronic data collection, using anything from Android apps to text messages, are currently used throughout the developing world to strengthen public health programs. Dr. Hernandez works on the development of these tools to support HIV/AIDS, immunization, and maternal health interventions in Cote d'oire, Mali and the Democratic Republic of Congo, will introduce these user-iendly technologies and explain how they provide public health workers and programmes around the world with stronger routine and strategic information. She will details their applications in the field for on-going Tulane projects and help the students practice with some of these tools on their own computers and cell phones.

About the speaker: Dr. Hernandez is a Research Assistant Professor with the Payson Center for International Development. She is also the Technical Director for two CDC / PEPFAR funded projects in Côd'oire and the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as a technical consultant on several Family Planning and Maternal Health projects in Panama, Mali and the D.R. Congo. A native French speaker, she has taught International Development and Public Health courses in Europe, Africa and Latin America. Her areas of expertise include Geographic Information System, community development and participatory planning, capacity building programs, and Monitoring and Evaluation. She completed her PhD on "Civic Engagement in post-Katrina New Orleans" and currently researches and develops open-source GIS Data Collection tools and protocols to strengthen Health Information Systems in the Developing World.

Last modified by Carola Wenk,   cwenk  -at-   tulane  -dot-   edu,