TIDE 1022 Computational Thinking for Work and Play
Fall 14

Helmut Alt

Efficient Sorting Algorithms

Sorting is one of the most frequent tasks in many applications of computers. In the lecture, we will present and demonstrate several sorting algorithms and analyze their quality even without programming them explicitly. It turns out that simple sorting algorithms for large sequences to be sorted perform much worse than more tricky ones. The latter involve the surprising concept of recursion which will be demonstrated and explained.

About the speaker: Helmut Alt is a professor of computer science at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. He obtained his doctorate from Universität des Saarlandes in 1976. He taught computer science at Universitä Kaiserslautern, the Pennsylvania State University, Hochschule Hildesheim, and, since 1986, at Freie Universität Dr. Alt's research is concerned with algorithms and data structures, in particular computational geometry, with an emphasis on geometric algorithms for pattern and shape comparison and analysis.

Last modified by Carola Wenk,   cwenk  -at-   tulane  -dot-   edu,