CS 5633 Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 12

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Slides, pictures

  • Tuesday 1/17/12: describeAlgorithm, insertionSort-problemStatement, insertionSortDescription, insertionSortPseudocode, loopInvariant1, loopInvariant2, analysis1, analysis2, bestCase-worstCase,
  • Thursday 1/19/12: asymptoticNotation, runtimeFunction, bigOh, bigOhEx, OhOmegaLemma, OhOmegaTheta, thetaEx, limitTheorem, littleOhEx, log_and_exp, codeSnippets1, codeSnippets2,
  • Tuesday 1/24/12: Divide-and-conquer slides,
    summations, treeHeight, bigOhInduction1, bigOhInduction1Assumptions, bigOhInduction2,
  • Thursday 1/26/12: Divide-and-conquer slides with annotations,
    Rec_TreeEx1_1, Rec_TreeEx1_2, Big_OhEx1_3, Big_OhEx1_4, MasterThmEx1, MasterThmEx2, MasterThmEx3, MasterThmEx4, Big_OhEx2_1, Big_OhEx2_2,
  • Tuesday 1/31/12: probability, randomVariable, expectedValue, linearityOfExpectation, hireAssistant, worstCaseBestCaseRuntime, randomizingHireAssistant, computeExpectedValue,
  • Thursday 2/2/12: Randomized algorithms and quicksort slides, slides with annotations
    expectedValue, treeHeights, quicksortRecurrence,
  • Tuesday 2/7/12: Sorting slides, slides with annotations
    randomPermutation, factorial,
  • Thursday 2/9/12: Selection slides, slides with annotations
  • Tuesday 2/14/12: Red-black tree slides, slides with annotations
    BST_vs_heap, BST_delete, red-black-tree,
  • Thursday 2/16/12: Test review, study problems for test 2,
    B-Trees slides
    homework3a, homework3b, B-tree-height,
  • Tuesday 2/21/12: Data structure augmentation slides, with annotations,
  • Tuesday 2/28/12: Range searching slides,
    David Mount's Lecture notes: Pages 73-74 describe one-dimensional range trees, pages 78-81 cover multi-dimensional range trees and fractional cascading
  • Thursday 3/1/12: Dynamic programming slides
    test1, fibonacciRecursionTree,
  • Tuesday 3/6/12: Matrix chain multiplication slides, with annotations
    editDistanceTransformationEx, matrixChainMult-DPtable, matrixChainMultEx1, matrixChainMultEx2,
  • Thursday 3/8/12: greedyAlgorithms, makingChange, otherCoinDenominations, optimalSubstructure, greedyCorrectness, greedyCorrectness2, makingChangeDP, makingChangeDPEx, knapsack, greedyFractionalKnapsack, knapsackEx, knapsackDP,
  • Tuesday 3/20/12: Amortization slides
  • Thursday 3/22/12: Union-find slides, with annotations
    ackermann, ackermann2,
  • Tuesday 3/27/12: Graph slides, with annotations
    graphs, DFSedges,
  • Thursday 3/29/12: MST slides, with annotations
  • Tuesday 4/3/12: Study problems for test 2, Shortest path slides
  • Thursday 4/5/12: More shortest paths slides, with annotations,
    Review for test 2,
  • Tuesday 4/10/12: P and NP slides,
  • Tuesday 4/17/12: P and NP slides with annotations
    testLengthStatistics, announcements, prove-NP-completeness, HP-TSP1, HP-TSP2, HP-HC1, HP-HC2,
  • Thursday 4/19/12: approximationAlgorithms, approximationRatio, approximationRatio2, vertexCover, VC-approx, VC-approxEx, VC-theorem, TSPwithTriangleInequ, TSP-approx, TSP-approxEx, TSP-theorem, TSP-theoremEx, TSP-theorem2, TSP-theorem3,
  • Tuesday 4/24/12: Network flow slides, homework, P_and_NP,
  • Thursday 4/27/12: Review for final exam, study problems for final exam
  • Tuesday 5/1/12: subsetsumZerosum1, subsetsumZerosum2, P_NP, TSP_officeHours,

    Last modified by Carola Wenk,   carola @ cs.utsa.edu ,