CS 5633 Analysis of Algorithms>
Spring 09

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Slides, pictures

  • Tuesday 1/13/09: name, describeAlgorithm, defineAndDescribeSortingProblem, pseudoCode, loopInvariant1, loopInvariant3, loopInvariant3, runtime1, runtime2,
  • Thursday 1/15/09: upcomingRoomChangeAnnouncement, asymptoticRuntimeAnalysis, bigOh, Omega, Theta, OhOmegaLemma, disproveOmega, bigOhOmegaThetaLittleOh, logFormula, littleOhExamples, exponentials, codeSnippets, nLogn_loop, HarmonicNumber,
  • Tuesday 1/20/09: priorityQueue, differentImplementations, maxHeapDefinition, heapExample, heightLemma1, heightLemma2, insert, insertExample, extractMax, heapifyDown, extractMaxEx, heapsort, StirlingsFormula,
  • Thursday 1/22/09: Divide and conquer slides,
    TA-office-hours, turninHomeworksInGroupsOfTwo, buildHeap, buildHeapRuntime, buildHeapRuntime2, summations, recursionTreeHeight, bigOhInduction, bigOhInduction2,
  • Tuesday 1/27/09: More divide and conquer slides (corrected typo on slide 23: t=ce+dg, u=cf+dh)
    geometricSeries, binarySearch, recursionTreeEx, bigOhInduction, bigOhInduction2, logFormula, mastersTheoremNotes, recursiveSquaringNotes, matrixMult,
  • Thursday 1/29/09: probability, probability2, rollingADie, probabilityProperties, randomVariable, randomVariableEx, randomVariableEx2, expectedValue, expectedValueEx, linearityOfExpectation, linearityOfExpectation2, hireAssistant, worstcaseBestcase, randomizeHireAssistant,
  • Tuesday 2/3/09: Quicksort slides
    randHireAssistantSampleSpace, randHireAssistantRandomVariable, randHireAssistantExpectedValue, probability, treeHeight,
  • Thursday 2/5/09: Sorting slides (Typo corrected on decision tree slides in the fourth leaf.)
    decisionTreeInsertionSort, wordsEncodingNumbers, radixSort,
  • Tuesday 2/10/09: Order statistics slides
    test1Moved, recursionTree,
  • Thursday 2/12/09: Red-Black Tree slides
    homeworkQuestion, Study problems for midterm 1
  • Tuesday 2/17/09: B-tree slides (corrected slide 19)
    btrees, codeSnippet,
  • Tuesday 2/24/09: Augmenting data structures slides
  • Thursday 2/26/09: Range tree slides, Range tree slides with annotation,
    Range tree notes (part of lecture notes by David Mount),
  • Tuesday 3/3/09: Dynamic Programming slides
    numberOfSubsets, DP_Table, recursionTree,
  • Thursday 3/5/09: Matrix multiplication slides
    test1, counterExample, counterExample2, example, example2, example3, printParens,
  • Tuesday 3/17/09: greedyAlgorithms, counterExample, makingChange, optSubstructure, greedyCorrect1, greedyCorrect2, makingChangeDP, makingChangeDPEx, knapsack, knapsackOptSubstructure, greedyFractionalKnapsack, greedyFractionalKnapsack2, correctnessGreedy, example, example2,
    Black on white slides for 3/5 and 3/17 thanks to Kadri Berk Aktan,
  • Thursday 3/19/09: Amortization slides
    telescopingSum, logsAndCeilings,
  • Tuesday 3/24/09: Union-Find slides
    test2MovedToThursday, connectedComponents, treeUnion, alpha, Ackermann1, Ackermann2, inverseAckermann,
  • Thursday 3/26/09: Graphs slides
    graphs, graphs2, DFS_tree,
  • Tuesday 3/31/09: Study problems for test 2
    orderStatistics1, orderStatistics2, orderStatistics3, medianOfTwoArrays, greedyIntervals, knapsackDP, knapsackDP2,
  • Tuesday 4/7/09: MST slides
    predecessorArray, minHeap,
  • Thursday 4/9/09: Dijkstra slides
    dijkstraCorrectnessProof, layers,
  • Tuesday 4/14/09: More shortest paths slides
    c-Table, johnson1, johnson2,
  • Thursday 4/16/09: P and NP slides
    test2Statistics, P_NP_SAT, SAT_Clique,
  • Tuesday 4/21/09: completeGraphs, P_NP_diagram, proveNPcompleteness, TSP_HC_1, TSP_HC_2,
  • Thursday 4/23/09: schedule, approximationAlgorithms, approximationRatio, approximationRatio2, vertexCover, VC_approx, VC_example, VC_Theorem1, VC_Theorem2, TSP_with_triangleInequality, TSP_approx, TSP_approx_example, TSP_Theorem1, TSP_Theorem2,
  • Tuesday 4/28/09: Study problems for the final exam,
    final, convexHull,

    Last modified by Carola Wenk,   carola @ cs.utsa.edu ,