CS 3343 Analysis of Algorithms>
Spring 09

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Slides, pictures

  • Tuesday 1/13/09: homeworkScoreRounding, describeAlgorithm, sortingProblemDefinition, descriptionInWords, descriptionInPseudoCode, loopInvariant1, loopInvariant2, loopInvariant3, runtime, runtime2,
  • Thursday 1/15/09: insertionsortRuntime, insertionsortRuntimeWorstCase, summations, asymptoticRuntimeAnalysis, runtimesAsFunctions, bigOh, bigOhExample, bigOhOmegaTheta, OmegaThetaExample,
  • Tuesday 1/20/09: thetaExample, bigOh_Omega_lemma, bigOh_Omega_Theta_littleOh_definitions, limitTheoremExamples, logs, exponentialFunctions, codeSnippets, codeSnippets2, codeSnippets3, codeSnippets4,
  • Thursday 1/22/09: ADT_priorityQueue, possibleImplementations, maxHeap, completeBinaryTrees, heapExample, left_right_parent, lemma1, lemma1_b, lemma2, insert, insertExample,
  • Tuesday 1/27/09: Mergesort slides
    extractMax, heapifyDown, heapsort, logNFactorial, buildHeap, heapExample, factorial, runtimeRecurrence, recursionTree, verifyUsingInduction, induction, mergesort,
  • Thursday 1/29/09: mergeSort, heightOfMergesortRecTree, bigOhInduction, bigOhInduction2, divideAndConquer, divideAndConquerMergesortEx, binarySearch, binarySearchRecTree,
  • Tuesday 2/3/09: Master theorem slides
    recursiontree1, recursiontree1b, recursiontree2, recursiontree2b, case1Example, case2Example, case3Example, caseNotCovered, case2Example2,
  • Thursday 2/5/09: More divide and conquer slides (corrected typo on slide 13: t=ce+dg, u=cf+dh)
    powers, matrixMultiplication, matrixMultiplicationDivideAndConquer, matrixAddition,
  • Tuesday 2/10/09: randomizedAlgorithms, deterministicAlgorithms, uniformProbability, probabilityExample, probabilityProperties, propertiesExample, randomVariable, randomVariableEx, expectedValue, linearityOfExpectation, multiplyExpectationsCounterEx, independence, independenceEx,
  • Thursday 2/12/09: exampleMultipliedExpectation, hireAssistant, worstcaseRuntime, bestcaseRuntime, randomizedHireAssistant, sampleSpace, probability, expectedValue, expectedRuntime, recitationQuestion,
    study problems for midterm 1
  • Tuesday 2/17/09: Quicksort slides
    quicksort, worstcaseRecursionTree, treeHeight, rollingDice, rollingDice2,
  • Tuesday 2/24/09: Sorting slides (Corrected typo on decision tree slides in the fourth leaf.)
    test1, quicksort, deterministicVsRandomizedQuicksort,
  • Thursday 2/26/09: factorial, changingBases,
  • Tuesday 3/3/09: Selection slides, selection slides with annotations
    test1, randSelectSplit, max, expectation,
  • Thursday 3/5/09: Red-black tree slides
    recursionTree, binaryTreeLemma,
  • Tuesday 3/17/09: Dynamic programming slides
    redBlackTreeCases, countingSubsequences,
  • Thursday 3/19/09: recurrence, recursionTree, LCS_length, printLCS,
  • Tuesday 3/24/09: greedyAlgorithms, test2, makingChangeGreedy, makingChangeGreedy2, otherCoinDenominations, optimalSubstructure, greedyCorrectness, greedyCorrectness2, dynamicProgramming, DPExample, DPRuntime, knapsack,
  • Thursday 3/26/09: Graphs slides
    fractionalKnapsack, knapsackExample, graphs, graphs2, graphs3,
  • Tuesday 3/31/09: Study problems for test 2
    binomialCoefficientDP, pascalsTriangle,
  • Tuesday 4/7/09: test2Results_DFSTree, DFS, tree_DAG,
  • Thursday 4/9/09: MST slides, MST slides with annotations
    connectedGraphs, topSort_and_MST, minHeap_DecreaseKey,
  • Tuesday 4/14/09: Dijkstra slides, Dijkstra slides with annotations
    unionFindExample, DijkstraCorrectness,
  • Thursday 4/16/09: More shortest paths slides, More shortest paths slides with annotations
    adjacencyLists, DijkstraCorrectnessProof,
  • Tuesday 4/21/09: P and NP slides
    TSP_in_NP, completeGraphs, Clique_and_IS,
  • Thursday 4/23/09: P and NP slides with annotations
    fact2, fact3, booleanFormula, complexityClassDiagram1, complexityClassDiagram2, NP_complete,
  • Tuesday 4/28/09: Study problems for the final exam,
    finalExam, VC_and_Clique, reductions, reductions2, reductions3, reductions4,

    Last modified by Carola Wenk,   carola at cs.utsa.edu ,