CS 3343 Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 06

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Course Objectives:

This course is to provide an introduction to the design and analysis of computer algorithms. The students will learn how to analyze the performance of computer algorithms, and programming techniques and data structures used in the writing of effective algorithms.

Course Topics (tentative and not in order):

(Chapter numbers refer to the Levitin book)


     Exam 1 15% 
     Exam 2 15% 
     Final Exam 35% 
     Lab Work 10% 
     Homework plus programming projects 25% 

No grades will be dropped.  Exams cannot be made up, cannot be taken early, and must be taken in class at the scheduled time.  There will be no make up exams. The grade that you obtain for the course will also serve as the grade for the lab. 

The letter grade for the course will be determined as follows:  80% or better = A; 70 to 79.99 = B; 60 to 69.99 = C; 50 to 59.99 = D; and less than 50 = F.  The instructor may curve this scale down but will not curve it up. 

Since your grade is partially based on computer and homework assignments, they must be your own work unless otherwise stated in the assignment. You can ask me questions about any aspect of an assignment and pursue general discussions with others on the system or on an approach to solving a problem. 

The assignments are typically due on Tuesday before class. If for any personal or health reason, you are not able to hand in on Tuesday, you can hand in on the following Thursday (i.e., two days later) without asking for the instructor's permission. However, no assignment will be accepted after Thursday. 

Cheating (for example, copy homework solution from the web, friends or other textbooks) will result at least in an immediate failing grade ('F') and maybe expelled from UTSA. Anyone who assists in cheating (e.g. letting others copy your solution) will receive the same penalty. All the written work should be done by yourself, although some group discussion is strongly encouraged. 

It is your responsibility to contact me in a timely manner if there are extenuating circumstances that impact your ability to perform in this class. Your grade is 'not given' by the instructor, but rather is earned by you through demonstrating your mastery of the subject. A poor grade does not say anything about you as a person. 

Last modified by Carola Wenk,   carola @ cs.utsa.edu ,