Final Review CMPS 6610/4610, Fall 2016

The Final exam is Saturday, December 17th, 1pm-5pm in the regular classroom (ST 302)

Relevant Material:

  1. Topics from the Midterm Review
  2. Greedy Algorithms
    • Greedy Strategy:
      • Repeatedly identify the decision to be made (recursion)
      • Make a locally optimal choice for each decision
    • Greedy does not always work.
    • Making change
    • Knapsack (DP for 0/1 knapsack, greedy for fractional knapsack)
  3. Amortized Analysis
    • Aggregate analysis, accounting method, potential method
    • Dynamic tables, binary counter
    • Union-Find:
      • Union-find data structure definition (operations)
      • Union-find: List implementation, tree implemention
      • Union by weight/rank, path compression
      • Ackermann function, inverse Ackermann function
    • Fibonacci Heaps:
      • Fibonacci heap definition
      • Operations: Insert, extract_min, decrease_key
      • Bounded rank (= max # children), not height
      • Analysis using potential function
  4. Graphs
    • Representation of Graphs:
      • Adjacency matrix
      • Adjacency lists
      • Handshaking lemma
    • Graph Traversal:
      • Breadth First Search, runtime O(|V|+|E|)
      • Depth First Search, runtime O(|V|+|E|)
    • Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
      • Prim:
        • Runtime: Θ(|V|)·T_EXTRACT-MIN + Θ(|E|)·T_DECREASE-KEY
        • Runtimes using different variants of graph representations and priority queues (linked list, min-heap or array)
      • Kruskal:
        • Runtime: O(|E|log|E|) which comes from sorting all the edges.
    • Single Source Shortest Paths
      • Dijkstra: Works only for non-negative edge weights.
        • Runtime: Θ(|V|)·T_EXTRACT-MIN + Θ(|E|)·T_DECREASE-KEY
        • Runtimes using different variants of graph representations and priority queues; Fibonacci heaps
        • With Fibonacci heaps the runtime is O(|E| + |V| log |V|)
      • Bellman-Ford: Works for any edge weights and can detect negative weight cycles.
        • Runtime: O(|V||E|)
        • For a DAG, run Topological Sort and then one round of Bellman-Ford. Runtime O(|V|+|E|)
    • All Pairs Shortest Paths
      • Floyd-Warshall:
        • Runtime: O(|V|^3) [when graph is given in adjacency matrix]
      • Dijkstra:
        • Run single source Dijkstra once for each vertex as the source.
        • Runtime O(|V||E| + |V|^2 log |V|)
      • Bellman-Ford: Run single source Bellman-Ford once for each vertex as the source.
        • Runtime: O(|V|^2|E|)
      • Johnson:
        • Reweigh the graph edges. Use vertex weights determined by shortest path computation from new super-source.
        • Run Dijkstra's algorithm on the reweighted graph for each vertex as the source. Afterwards, adjust the computed shortest-path weights by subtracting the appropriate vertex weights.
        • Runtime: O(|V||E| + |V|^2 log |V|)
    • Network Flow
      • Definitions of flow network, flow, cuts
      • Definitions of residual network, augmenting path. Edges with zero residual capacity do not exist in the residual network (alternatively, an augmenting path over them would have capacity zero).
      • Max-flow min-cut theorem
      • Ford-Fulkerson:
        • Chooses an arbitrary graph in the residual network to augment
        • Runtime: O(|E| |f*|)
      • Edmonds-Karp:
        • Chooses a shortest augmenting path in the residual network. The length of the path is measured by the number of edges.
        • Runtime: O(|V| |E|^2)
  5. P and NP
    • Definition of P, NP, NP-hard, NP-complete, Co-NP
    • Reductions
    • NP-complete problems (SAT, Clique, TSP, Hamiltonian Cycle, Vertex Cover, Independent Set)
    • Approximation algorithms (Vertex Cover, TSP, Max-3SAT)

Practice Problems from the Book:

  1. Greedy Algorithms:
    • page 421: 16.1-1,2,3
    • page 427: 16.2-3,4,5,7
  2. Amortized Analysis:
    • page 456: 17.1-1-3
    • page 458: 17.2-1-3
    • page 462: all
    1. Union-Find:
      • page 564: all
      • page 567: 21.2-1,2,3,4
      • page 572: 21.3-12,3,4
    2. Fibonacci Heaps:
      • page 518: 19.2-1
      • page 522: 19.3-1,2
      • page 526: 19.4-1,2
      • page 529: 19-3
  3. Graphs:
    1. Representation of Graphs, and Graph Traversal:
      • page 592: 22.1-12,3,4,5,6
      • page 601: 22.2-1,2,3,4,5,9
      • page 610: 22.3-2,7,8,11
      • page 623: 22-3
    2. Minimum Spanning Tree:
      • page 629: 23.1-1,5,6,10
      • page 637: 23.2-2,3,8
      • page 638: 23-1
    3. Shortest Paths:
      • page 654: 24.1-1,3
      • page 658: 24.2-4
      • page 662: 24.3-1,2,3
      • page 676: 24.5-1,2
      • page 699: 25.2-1,3
      • page 704: 25.3-1,2,3,5
    4. Network Flow:
      • page 712: 26.1-1,6
      • page 730: 26.2-2,3,4,10,11
  4. P and NP:
    • page 1060: 34.1-1
    • page 1065: 34.2-1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10
    • page 1100: 34.5-1,5,6,7
    • page 1111: 35.1-1,2,4
    • page 1122: 35.3-2