You are allowed to turn in homeworks in groups of two.
You are encouraged to discuss rough ideas and thoughts about a homework assignment with
your other classmates, but you have to write up your solution on your
own (with your group partner). You are not allowed to read, copy, or
rewrite the solutions
written by others (in this or previous terms or from the web).
See the section on Academic Integrity.
Homeworks are to be submitted on paper at the beginning of class. If you cannot attend
class you are welcome to submit your homework by email to the
TA and instructor, by sliding it under the instructor's office door, or by any
other means you can think of to get the homework on time to the
TA or to the instructor.
Homework grades will be available on Canvas.
The programming projects have to be submitted individually.
You are encouraged to discuss rough ideas and thoughts about a programming project with
your other classmates, but you have to code your project on your
own. You are not allowed to read, copy, or
rewrite the solutions
written by others (in this or previous terms or from the web).
See the section on Academic Integrity. Also note
that we will use automatic checkers to detect software plagiarism.
Project submissions will have to be uploaded to Canvas. Project grades will also be available on Canvas.
Review of the grading of a homework, a programming project, or an exam must be requested within 2 weeks after the graded exam/homework is returned to you. Be aware that such a review will consider the exam/homework as a whole, and as a result your grade is just as likely to go down as it is to go up.
There are no late days of any type for homework assignments or projects. Late
homework will not be graded for credit. In extra-ordinary cases (a
two-day cold does not count since you have one week to complete the
assignment), contact the instructor prior to the due date to get a
homework extension.
The weighted average will determine your letter grade roughly as follows:
A >= 90%;
B >= 80%;
C >= 70%;
D >= 60%;
F < 60%
+/- grades will be given for borderline cases.
During the lectures we will use slides as well as the board. The instructor will take
pictures of the board during the lectures. Those pictures as well as the
slides will be available on the class web page, such that you
can see what has been covered if you happen to have missed a class. There is
however no guarantee that the pictures will be complete.
You are encouraged to discuss rough ideas and thoughts about a homework assignment or programming project with your other classmates, but you have to write up homework solutions on your own (with your group partner), and you have to code you programming projects on your own.
You are not allowed to read, copy, or
rewrite the solutions
written by others (in this or previous terms or from the web).
Also note
that we will use automatic checkers to detect software plagiarism.
You are required to adhere to the Code of Academic Conduct. Every cheating will be reported to the Associate Dean of Newcomb-Tulane College. If two people are caught sharing solutions then both the copier and copiee will be held equally responsible. Cheating on an exam will result in failing the course.