Carola Wenk's web pages.
Carola Wenk
Curriculum Vitae
January 2025      

Carola Wenk Phone: + 1-504-865-5782
Tulane University         Email: cwenk  -at-   tulane  -dot-   edu
Department of Computer Science   URL:
School of Science and Engineering    Date & place of birth: 5/17/73, Berlin, Germany
New Orleans, LA 70118, USA German and US citizen

Biographical Sketch
Carola Wenk is a Professor of Computer Science at Tulane University and the Chair of the Department of Computer Science. She also holds an adjunct appointment in the Mathematics department. Her research area is in computational geometry, with a focus on shape matching algorithms. Her work encompasses theoretical aspects including algorithms and topological data analysis, as well as interdisciplinary applications ranging from geospatial to biomedical data analysis. She is an expert on the Fréchet distance for curves, and her work on map-matching GPS trajectories and road map construction and comparison has laid theoretical foundations for practitioners in the field. Dr. Wenk has won research, teaching, and service awards, including an NSF CAREER award. Her research has been supported by grants from several agencies such as NSF, NIH, DARPA, IARPA, ARPA-H. Her research interests span a wide range of application areas including geospatial data analysis, intelligent transportation systems, geographic information science, biomedical imaging, and computational biology.

Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.) 1998-2002, magna cum laude, Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin.
Thesis: "Shape Matching in Higher Dimensions"
Advisor: Helmut Alt
Dipl. Math. (M.S. & B.S.) 1992-1998, Mathematics, Freie Universität Berlin.
Thesis: "Algorithmen für das Crossdating in der Dendrochronologie (Algorithms for Crossdating in Dendrochronology)"
Advisor: Helmut Alt

Professional Career
07/2021 - present  Chair, Department of Computer Science, Tulane University
07/2017 - present  Professor, Computer Science, Tulane University
08/2012 - present  Adjunct (Associate) Professor, Mathematics, Tulane University
08/2012 - 06/2017  Associate Professor, Computer Science, Tulane University
09/2008 - 07/2012  Associate Professor, Computer Science, University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
01/2004 - 08/2008  Assistant Professor, Computer Science, UTSA
01/2002 - 12/2003  Assistant Researcher, Computer Science, University of Arizona, Tucson
 Postdoctoral advisor: Alon Efrat
10/1995 - 12/2001  Research and teaching assistant, Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Awards and Honors
2024 10 year impact award, ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS.
2024Best Paper Award, IEEE Vis.
2023 Best Data Paper Award, ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS.
2021 Best Paper Award, ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Gems.
2018 Best Paper Award, International Workshop on Interactive and Spatial Computing.
2017 Best Paper Award, International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases.
2014 Mortar Board Award for Excellence in Tenured Teaching, Tulane.
2012 President's Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in University Service, UTSA.
2009 Best Paper Award, Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
2008 College of Sciences Teaching Excellence Award, UTSA.
2008 President's Distinguished Achievement Award for Teaching Excellence, UTSA.
2007 President's Distinguished Achievement Award for Research Achievement, UTSA.
2007 NSF CAREER Award, National Science Foundation.
2005 Faculty Research Award, UTSA.

Professional Memberships
ACM, Association for Computing Machinery
AAUP, American Association of University Professors; 2020-2022: elected president of Tulane chapter

[G17] 8/15/24 - 8/14/28 "MAGIC-SCAN: Machine Learning Assisted Gigantic Image Cancer Margin Scanner", Image Cancer Margin Scanner'', Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), Role: Co-PI (with multi-PIs Quincy Brown and Brian Summa); $22,937,420.
[G16] 4/17/23 - 3/16/27 "METROPOL (Modeling and Encoding TRajectories Of Patterns Of Life)", Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency (IARPA); HAYSTAC program; subcontract from L3Harris; $953,300. Role: Subcontract PI.
[G15] 9/28/22 - 6/30/26 "R01: PathCAM: repairing the digital data pipeline in diagnostic pathology with onboard-camera variable resolution slide imaging", National Institutes of Health (NIH), R01GM143789, $1,696,789. Role: Co-PI (with multi-PIs Quincy Brown and Brian Summa).
[G14] 6/1/21 - 5/31/25 "Collaborative Research: AF: Medium: A Unified Framework for Geometric and Topological Signature-Based Shape Comparison", National Science Foundation (NSF), NSF-CCF 2107434, $473,760. Role: PI. Collaboration with Erin Chambers at Saint Louis University and Liz Munch at Michigan State University; $1,247,301 total grant amount.
[G13]8/1/17 - 7/31/21 "QuBBD: Collaborative Research: Quantifying Morphologic Phenotypes in Prostate Cancer - Developing Topological Descriptors for Machine Learning Algorithms", National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes of Health (NIH), NSF-DMS 1664848, $479,293. Role: PI. Collaboration with Co-PIs Quincy Brown (Biomedical Engineering), Andrew Sholl (Pathology), and Brian Summa (Computer Science) at Tulane and with Brittany Fasy at Montana State University; $899,999 total grant amount.
[G12]9/1/16 - 8/31/21 "AitF: Collaborative Research: Modeling Movement on Transportation Networks Using Uncertain Data", National Science Foundation (NSF), NSF-CCF 1637576, $317,681. Role: PI. Collaboration with Dieter Pfoser and Andreas Züfle at George Mason University; $825,533 total grant amount.
Supplement: 9/1/16 - 8/31/17 REU supplement included in initial award.
[G11]12/29/17 - 12/27/20 "A Ground-Truth Simulator for Socio-Spatial Alternate Worlds", Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); subcontract from George Mason University; $370,275. Role: Subcontract-PI. Collaboration with PI Andreas Züfle, and Co-PIs Dieter Pfoser and Andrew Crooks at George Mason University; $1,544,290 total contract amount.
[G10]7/1/16 - 6/30/19 "AF: Small: Collaborative Research: Geometric and Topological Algorithms for Analyzing Road Network Data", National Science Foundation (NSF), NSF-CCF 1618469, $158,052. Role: PI. Collaboration with Brittany Fasy at Montana State University and with Yusu Wang at Ohio State University; $499,975 total grant amount.
[G9]7/1/16 - 6/30/17 "Virtual Reality‐Based Visual Field Testing", Carol Lavin Bernick Faculty Grant Program, Tulane University, $10,000. Role: PI. Collaboration with PI Ramesh Ayyala (Ophthalmology) at Tulane.
[G8]9/15/15 - 8/31/17 "QuBBD: Collaborative Research: Towards Automated Quantitative Prostate Cancer Diagnosis", National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes of Health (NIH), NSF-DMS 1557750, $52,931. Role: PI. Collaboration with Co-PI Quincy Brown (Biomedical Engineering) at Tulane and with Brittany Fasy at Montana State University; $99,570 total grant amount.
[G7]9/1/12 - 8/31/16 "AF: Small: Geometric Algorithms for Constructing Road Networks from Trajectories", National Science Foundation (NSF), NSF-CCF 1301911, $303,624. Role: PI.
Supplement: 12/13/13 - 8/31/16, $10,001.
[G6]10/1/13 - 9/30/16 "CC-NIE Networking Infrastructure: Dedicated High-Speed Science Network", National Science Foundation (NSF), NSF-ACI 1340454, $498,655. Role: Co-PI; with PI Charles McMahon and other Co-PIs Lieu D. Tran, Ricardo Cortez, Caroline M. Taylor.
[G5]9/15/10 - 7/31/12 "Computational Systems Biology Core (CSBC)", National Institutes of Health (NIH), NIH-NCRR 5G12RR013646-12, $1,916,034 for duration 9/15/10 - 6/30/15. Role: PI, with Co-PIs Yufeng Wang and Fidel Santamaria. Part of the RCMI (Research Centers for Minority Institutions) grant "RCMI Center for Interdisciplinary Health Research".
[G4]3/1/07 - 2/28/13 "CAREER: Application and Theory of Geometric Shape Handling", National Science Foundation (NSF), NSF-CCF 1331009 (previously 0643597), $400,468. Role: PI.
1) 8/1/09 - 7/31/10, REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Supplement, $8,000.
2) 3/1/08 - 2/28/09, REU Supplement, $12,000.
3) 8/1/07 - 7/31/08, REU Supplement, $12,000.
[G3]9/1/06 - 8/31/07 "Developing New Spot Detection Algorithms for 2-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Image Analysis", seed grant provided by the UTSA Computational Biology Initiative, $10,000. Role: PI.
[G2]6/12/06 - 6/11/07 "SGER: Map-Matching and Reactive Routing Algorithms for Traffic Estimation and Prediction Systems", National Science Foundation (NSF), NSF-CCF 0628809, $25,480. Role: PI.
[G1]2005 "Locating GPS Curves in Roadmaps", Faculty Research Award, University of Texas at San Antonio, $4,845.

Books and Book Chapters
[B6] "Inferring movement patterns from geometric similarity", (M. Buchin, C. Wenk), invited article, Journal of Spatial Information Science 21: 63-69, 2020.
[B5] "Location-Based Social Simulation for Prescriptive Analytics of Disease Spread" (J.-S. Kim, H. Kavak, C.O. Rouly, H. Jin, A.T. Crooks, D. Pfoser, C. Wenk, A. Züfle), SIGSPATIAL Special 12(1): 53-61, 2020
[B4] "Comparing Directed and Weighted Road Maps", (A. Bittner, B.T. Fasy, M. Grudzien, S. Ghosh Hajra, J. Huang, K. Pelatt, C. Thatcher, A. Tumurbaatar, C. Wenk), AWM-IMA Springer series: Research in Computational Topology: 57-70, B.T. Fasy, E. Chambers, L. Ziegelmeier (eds.), Springer, 2018.
[B3] "Map Construction Algorithms", (M. Ahmed, S. Karagiorgou, D. Pfoser, C. Wenk), Springer, 2015.
[B2] "Skeleton-based recognition of shapes in images via the longest path", (G. Bal, J. Diebold, E. W. Chambers, E. Gasparovic, R. Hu, M. Shaker, K. Leonard, C. Wenk), Research in Shape Modeling, K. Leonard, S. Tari (eds.), Association for Women in Mathematics Series 1, Springer, 2015.
[B1] "New Algorithmic Approaches to Protein Spot Detection and Pattern Matching in Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis Gel Databases" (K.-P. Pleißner, F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, C. Wenk, S. Wegner, A. Sahlströhm, H. Oswald, H. Alt, E. Fleck), Chapter 22 in From Genome to Proteome: 175-185, Wiley, 2007.

Refereed Journal Articles
[J42] "ROADSTER: Improved Algorithms for Subtrajectory Clustering and Map Construction" (K. Buchin, M. Buchin, J. Gudmundsson, J. Hendriks, E. Hosseini Sereshgi, V. Sacristán, R. Silveira, J. Sleijster, F. Staals, C. Wenk), Computers and Geosciences Journal 196: 105845 (49 pages), 2025.
[J41] "Realizability of Free Spaces of Curves" (H. Akitaya, M. Buchin, M. Mirzanezhad, L. Ryvkin, C. Wenk), Journal of Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications (CGTA) 127: 102151, 2025.
[J40] "Rapid and Precise Topological Comparison with Merge Tree Neural Networks" (Y. Qin, B.T. Fasy, C. Wenk, B. Summa), [presentation videos], IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 31(1): 1322-1332, 2025. Best paper award.
[J39] "Graph Sampling for Map Comparison" (J. Aguilar, K. Buchin, M. Buchin, E. Hosseini Sereshgi, R.I. Silveira, C. Wenk), Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 10(3): 20:1-20:24, 2024.
[J38] "In Silico Human Mobility Data Science: Leveraging Massive Simulated Mobility Data (Vision Paper)" (A. Züfle, D. Pfoser, C. Wenk, A. Crooks, H. Kavak, T. Anderson, J.-S. Kim, N. Holt, A. DiAntonio), Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 10(2): 13 (1-27), 2024.
[J37] "Mobility Data Science: Perspectives and Challenges" (M. Mokbel, M. Sakr, L. Xiong, A. Züfle, J. Almeida, T. Anderson, W. Aref, G. Andrienko, N. Andrienko, Y. Cao, S. Chawla, R. Cheng, P. Chrysanthis, X. Fei, G. Ghinita, A. Graser, D. Gunopulos, C. Jensen, J.-S. Kim, K.-S. Kim, P. Kröger, J. Krumm, J. Lauer, A. Magdy, M. Nascimento, S. Ravada, M. Renz, D. Sacharidis, F. Salim, M. Sarwat, M. Schoemans, C. Shahabi, B. Speckmann, E. Tanin, X. Teng, Y. Theodoridis, K. Torp, G. Trajcevski, M. van Kreveld, C. Wenk, M. Werner, R. Wong, S. Wu, J. Xu, M. Youssef, D. Zeinalipour, M. Zhang, E. Zimányi), Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 10(2): 10 (1-35), 2024.
[J36] "Distance Measures for Geometric Graphs" (S. Majhi, C. Wenk), Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 118: 102056, 2024.
[J35] "Approximating Gromov-Hausdorff Distance in Euclidean Space" (S. Majhi, J. Vitter, C. Wenk), Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 116: 102034, 2024.
[J34] "Distances Between Immersed Graphs: Metric Properties" (M. Buchin, E. Chambers, P. Fang, B.T. Fasy, E. Gasparovic, E. Munch, C. Wenk), La Matematica 2: 197–222, 2023.
[J33] "Combinatorial Properties of Self-Overlapping Curves and Interior Boundaries" (P. Evans, C. Wenk), Discrete & Computational Geometry 69: 91-122, 2023.
[J32] "Urban Life: A Model of People and Places", (A. Züfle, C. Wenk, D. Pfoser, A. Crooks, J.-S. Kim, H. Kavak, U. Manzoor, H. Jin), Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory; special issue on Ground Truth: In silico social science (GTIS3) 29(1): 20-51, 2023.
[J31] "On the Reconstruction of Geodesic Subspaces of RN" (B.T. Fasy, R. Komendarczyk, S. Majhi, C. Wenk), International Journal on Computational Geometry and Applications 32 (01n02): 91-117, 2022.
[J30] "A Domain-Oblivious Approach for Learning Concise Representations of Filtered Topological Spaces for Clustering" (Y. Qin, B.T. Fasy, C. Wenk, B. Summa), IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28: 302-312, 2022. (arXiv:2105.12208)
[J29] "Distance Measures for Embedded Graphs", (H.A. Akitaya, M. Buchin, B. Kilgus, S. Sijben, C. Wenk), Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications: 95, 101743, 2021.
[J28] "Middle Curves Based on Discrete Fréchet Distance", (H.-K. Ahn, H. Alt, M. Buchin, E. Oh, L. Scharf, C. Wenk), Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications: 89, 101621, 2020.
[J27] "Map-Matching Using Shortest Paths", (B.T. Fasy, E.W. Chambers, Y. Wang, C. Wenk), Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 6(1), article 6, 2020.
[J26] "Fast Fréchet Distance Between Curves with Long Edges", (J. Gudmundsson, M. Mirzanezhad, A. Mohades, C. Wenk), International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 29(2): 161-187, 2019. (arXiv:1710.10521)
[J25] "Persistent Homology for the Quantitative Evaluation of Architectural Features in Prostate Cancer Histology" (P. Lawson, A.B. Sholl, J.Q. Brown, B.T. Fasy, C. Wenk), Scientific Reports 9: 1139, 2019. [Data set]
[J24] "Computing the Fréchet Distance Between Folded Polygons" , (A.F. Cook IV, A. Driemel, J. Sherette, C. Wenk), Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 50:1-16, 2015. (arXiv:1103.2865)
[J23] "Path-Based Distance for Street Map Comparison", (M. Ahmed, B.T. Fasy, K.S. Hickmann, C. Wenk), ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS) 1(1): article 3, 28 pages, 2015. (arXiv:1309.6131)
[J22] "Conserved disulfide bond is not essential for the adenosine A2A receptor: extracellular cysteines influence receptor distribution within the cell and ligand-binding recognition", (A.N. Naranjo, A. Chevalier, G.D. Cousins, E. Ayettey, E. McCusker, C. Wenk, A.S. Robinson), Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1848: 604-614, 2015.
[J21] "A Comparison and Evaluation of Map Construction Algorithms", (M. Ahmed, S. Karagiorgou, D. Pfoser, C. Wenk), Geoinformatica 19(3): 601-632, 2015. (arXiv:1402.5138)
[J20] "Shortest Path Problems on a Polyhedral Surface", (A.F. Cook IV, C. Wenk), Algorithmica, 69(1): 58-77, 2014.
[J19] "Median Trajectories", (K. Buchin, M. Buchin, M. van Kreveld, M. Löffler, R.I. Silveira, C. Wenk, L. Wiratma), Algorithmica 66(3): 595-614, 2013.
[J18]"Microwave & Magnetic (M2) Proteomics of the EAE Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis", (I. Raphael, S. Mahesula, K. Kalsaria, V. Kotagiri, A.B. Purkar, M. Anjanappa, D. Shah, V. Pericherla, Y.L.A. Jadhav, M. Vaynberg, D. Noriega, N.H. Grimaldo, C. Wenk, J. Gelfond, T.G. Forsthuber, W.E. Haskins), Electrophoresis 33(24): 3810-3819, 2012.
[J17]"Approximating the Fréchet Distance for Realistic Curves in Near Linear Time", (A. Driemel, S. Har-Peled, C. Wenk), Discrete & Computational Geometry 48(1): 94-127, 2012. [slides, arXiv:1003.0460]
[J16] "Link Distance and Shortest Path Problems in the Plane", (A.F. Cook IV, C. Wenk), Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 44(8): 442-455, 2011.
[J15] "Geodesic Fréchet Distance Inside a Simple Polygon", (A.F. Cook IV, C. Wenk), ACM Transactions on Algorithms: 7(1), 19 pages, 2010. (arXiv:0802.2846)
[J14] "Computing the Fréchet Distance Between Simple Polygons", (K. Buchin, M. Buchin, C. Wenk), Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications (CGTA) 41: 2-20, Elsevier, 2008.
[J13] "NeuronMetrics: Software for Semi-Automated Processing of Cultured-Neuron Images", (M. Narro, F. Yang, R. Kraft, C. Wenk, A. Efrat, L. Restifo), Brain Research 1138:57-75, Elsevier, 2007.
[J12] "Drawing with Fat Edges", (C.A. Duncan, A. Efrat, S.G. Kobourov, C. Wenk), International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS), special issue on Graph Drawing, 17(5): 1143-1163, World Scientific, 2006.
[J11] "Matching Polyhedral Terrains Using Overlays of Envelopes", (V. Koltun, C. Wenk), Algorithmica 41(3): 159-183, Springer, 2005.
[J10] "Covering with Ellipses" (A. Efrat, F. Hoffmann, C. Knauer, K. Kriegel, G. Rote, C. Wenk), Algorithmica (special issue on shape algorithmics) 38(2):145-160, Springer, 2004.
[J9] "Comparison of Distance Measures for Planar Curves" (H. Alt, C. Knauer, C. Wenk), Algorithmica (special issue on shape algorithmics) 38(2):45-58, Springer, 2004.
[J8] "Matching Planar Maps", (H. Alt, A. Efrat, G. Rote, C. Wenk), Journal of Algorithms 49: 262-283, Elsevier, 2003.
[J7] "Computing the Hausdorff Distance of Geometric Patterns and Shapes", (H. Alt, P. Braß, M. Godau, C. Knauer, C. Wenk), Discrete and Computational Geometry - The Goodman-Pollack-Festschrift, 65-76, Springer, 2003.
[J6] "Applying an Edit Distance to the Matching of Tree Ring Sequences in Dendrochronology", (C. Wenk), Journal of Discrete Algorithms 1(5-6):367-385, Elsevier, 2003. (technical report)
[J5] "Geometric Algorithms for the Analysis of 2D-Electrophoresis Gels", (A. Efrat, F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, C. Schultz, C. Wenk), Journal of Computational Biology; special issue dedicated to RECOMB 2001, 9(2): 299-316, Mary Ann Liebert publishers, 2002.
[J4] "An Alternative Approach to Deal with Geometric Uncertainties in Computer Analysis of Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis Gels", (K. Kriegel, I. Seefeldt, F. Hoffmann, C. Schultz, C. Wenk, V. Regitz-Zagrosek, H. Oswald, E. Fleck), Electrophoresis 21:2637-2640, Wiley, 2000.
[J3] "On the Number of Cylinders Touching a Ball", (P. Braß, C. Wenk), Geometriae Dedicata 81:281-284, Springer, 2000.
[J2] "New Algorithmic Approaches to Protein Spot Detection and Pattern Matching in Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis Gel Databases", (K.-P. Pleißner, F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, C. Wenk, S. Wegner, A. Sahlströhm, H. Oswald, H. Alt, E. Fleck), Electrophoresis 20:755-765, Wiley, 1999.
[J1] "An Applied Point Pattern Matching Problem: Comparing 2D Patterns of Protein Spots", (F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, C. Wenk), Discrete Applied Mathematics 93: 75-88, Elsevier, 1999.

Refereed Conference Publications
[C42] "The Patterns of Life Human Mobility Simulation" (H. Amiri, W. Kohn, S. Ruan, J.-S. Kim, H. Kavak, A.T. Crooks, D. Pfoser, C. Wenk, A. Züfle), ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS: 653-656, 2024.
[C41] "Metric and Path-Connectedness Properties of the Fréchet Distance for Paths and Graphs" (E. Chambers, B.T. Fasy, B. Holmgren, S. Majhi, C. Wenk), 35th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry: 213-224, 2023.
[C40] "Massive Trajectory Data Based on Patterns of Life" (H. Amiri, S. Ruan, J.-S. Kim, H. Jin, H. Kavak, A. Crooks, D. Pfoser, C. Wenk, A. Züfle), [poster], ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS, article 49, 4 pages, 2023. Best data paper award.
[C39] "On Length-Sensitive Fréchet Similarity" (E. Hosseini Sereshgi, K. Buchin, B.T. Fasy, C. Wenk), 18th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS): 208-231, 2023.
[C38] "From Curves to Words and Back Again: Geometric Computation of Minimum-Area Homotopy" (H.-C. Chang, B.T. Fasy, B. McCoy, D.L. Millman, C. Wenk), 18th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS): 605-619, 2023.
[C37] "Towards Large-Scale Agent-Based Geospatial Simulation" (U. Manzoor, H. Kavak, J.-S. Kim, A. Crooks, D. Pfoser, A. Züfle, C. Wenk), International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, 2021.
[C36] "Location-Based Social Network Data Generation Based on Patterns of Life" (J.-S. Kim, H. Jin, H. Kavak, O.C. Rouly, A. Crooks, D. Pfoser, C. Wenk, A. Züfle), 21st IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM): 158-167, 2020.
[C35] "Combinatorial Properties of Self-Overlapping Curves and Interior Boundaries" , (P. Evans, B.T. Fasy, C. Wenk), 36th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG): 41:1-41:17, 2020.
[C34] "Distance Measures for Embedded Graphs", (H.A. Akitaya, M. Buchin, B. Kilgus, S. Sijben, C. Wenk), 30th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC): 55:1-55:15, 2019. (arXiv:1812.09095)
[C33] "Global Curve Simplification" (M. van de Kerkhof, I. Kostitsyna, M. Löffler, M. Mirzanezhad, C. Wenk), European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA): 67:1-67:14, 2019 (arXiv:1809.10269).
[C32] "Location-Based Social Simulation", H. Kavak, J.-S. Kim, A.T. Crooks, D. Pfoser, C. Wenk, A. Züfle, vision paper, 16th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD): 218-221, 2019.
[C31] "Assessment of Sampling Adequacy Using Persistent Homology for the Evaluation of Heterogeneity in 3D Histology Acquired Through Inverted Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy (iSPIM)" (P. Lawson, B. Hu, B.T. Fasy, B. Summa, C. Wenk, J.Q.Brown), Proc. SPIE 11073, Clinical and Preclinical Optical Diagnostics II: 1107316, (SPIE European Conferences on Biomedical Optics (ECBO), invited paper, 5 pages), 2019.
[C30] "Clustering Trajectories for Map Construction", (K. Buchin, M. Buchin, D. Duran, B.T. Fasy, R. Jacobs, V. Sacristán, R. Silveira, F. Staals, C. Wenk), International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL): article 14 (10 pages), 2017.
[C29] "A Unified Framework to Predict Movement [Vision Paper]", (O. Gkountouna, D. Pfoser, C. Wenk. A. Züfle), 15th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD): 393-397, 2017. Best paper award. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-64367
[C28] "A Middle Curve Based on Discrete Fréchet Distance", (H.-K. Ahn, H. Alt, M. Buchin, E. Oh, L. Scharf, C. Wenk), 12th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium: 14-26, 2016.
[C27] "Choosing Thresholds for Density-Based Map Construction Algorithms", (M. Ahmed, B.T. Fasy, M. Gibson, C. Wenk), International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), 2015.
[C26] "High-area-throughput automated gigapixel imaging of whole prostate tumor resection surfaces using structured illumination microscopy", (J.Q Brown, M. Wang, H. Kimbrell, D. Tulman, T.S. Schlichenmeyer, C. Wenk, B. Lee), SPIE Photonics West - BIOS, paper 9313-15, 2015.
[C25]"Local Persistent Homology Based Distance Between Maps", (M. Ahmed, B.T. Fasy, C. Wenk), International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), 10 pages, 2014. 10 year impact award (SIGSPATIAL GIS), 2024.
[C24]"Autofocus optimization for tracking tissue surface topography in large-area mosaicking structured illumination microscopy", (T.S. Schlichenmeyer, M. Wang, C. Wenk, J.Q. Brown), Frontiers in Optics Conference, Optical Society of America Technical Digest, 3 pages, 2014.
[C23] "Constructing Street Networks from GPS Trajectories", (M. Ahmed, C. Wenk), European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA): 60-71, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2012. [slides]
[C22] "Partial Matching Between Surfaces Using Fréchet Distance", (J. Sherette, C. Wenk), Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT): 13-23, Helsinki, Finland, 2012. [slides]
[C21] "Computing the Fréchet Distance Between Folded Polygons", (A.F. Cook IV, A. Driemel, S. Har-Peled, J. Sherette, C. Wenk), Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS): 267-278, Brooklyn, New York, 2011.
[C20] "Approximate Map Matching with respect to the Fréchet Distance", (D. Chen, A. Driemel, L. Guibas, A. Nguyen, C. Wenk), Proc. Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX): 75-83, San Francisco, California, 2011.
[C19] "Median Trajectories", (K. Buchin, M. Buchin, M. van Kreveld, M. Löffler, R.I. Silveira, C. Wenk, L. Wiratma), Proc. 18th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA): 463-474, Liverpool, UK, 2010.
[C18] "Approximating the Fréchet Distance for Realistic Curves in Near Linear Time", (A. Driemel, S. Har-Peled, C.Wenk), Proc. 20th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'10): 365-374, 2010.
[C17] "Visiting a Sequence of Points with a Bevel-Tip Needle", (S. Bitner, Y. K. Cheung, A. F. Cook IV, O. Daescu, A. Kurdia, C. Wenk), Proc. 9th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium: 492-502, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2010.
[C16] "A New Perspective on Efficient and Dependable Vehicle Routing", (D. Pfoser, A. Efentakis, A. Voisard, C. Wenk), Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS): 388-391, Seattle, Washington, 2009.
[C15] "Shortest Path Problems on a Polyhedral Surface", (A. F. Cook IV, C. Wenk), Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium: 156-167, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2009. Best Paper Award.
[C14] "Link Distance and Shortest Path Problems in the Plane", (A.F. Cook IV, C. Wenk), Proc. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM): 140-151, San Francisco, California, 2009.
[C13] "Geodesic Fréchet Distance Inside a Simple Polygon", (A.F. Cook IV, C. Wenk), Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS): 193-204, Bordeaux, France, 2008.
[C12] "Fréchet Distance for Curves, Revisited" (B. Aronov, S. Har-Peled, C. Knauer, Y. Wang, C. Wenk), Proceedings of the 14th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA): 52-63, LNCS 4168, Zurich, Switzerland, 2006. (arXiv:1504.07685)
[C11] "Addressing the Need for Map-Matching Speed: Localizing Global Curve-Matching Algorithms" (C. Wenk, R. Salas, D. Pfoser), Proc. 18th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM): 379-388, Vienna, Austria, 2006.
[C10] "Computing the Fréchet Distance Between Simple Polygons in Polynomial Time" (K. Buchin, M. Buchin, C. Wenk), Proc. 22nd ACM Symp. on Computational Geometry (SoCG): 80-87, Sedona, Arizona, 2006.
[C9] "On Map-Matching Vehicle Tracking Data", (S. Brakatsoulas, D. Pfoser, R. Salas, C. Wenk), Proc. 31st Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB): 853-864, Trondheim, Norway, 2005.
[C8] "Matching Polyhedral Terrains Using Overlays of Envelopes", (V. Koltun, C. Wenk), Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2004: 114-126, LNCS 3111, Humlebaek, Denmark, 2004.
[C7] "Matching Planar Maps", (H. Alt, A. Efrat, G. Rote, C. Wenk), Proc. 14th Symp. Discrete Algorithms (SODA): 589-598, Baltimore, USA, 2003.
[C6] "Covering Shapes by Ellipses", (A. Efrat, F. Hoffmann, C. Knauer, K. Kriegel, G. Rote, C. Wenk), Proc. 13th Symp. Discrete Algorithms (SODA): 453-454, San Francisco, USA, 2002.
[C5] "Drawing with Fat Edges", (C.A. Duncan, A. Efrat, S.G. Kobourov, C. Wenk), Proc. 9th Int. Symp. Graph Drawing (GD): 162-177, 2001, Vienna, Austria, 2001.
[C4] "Geometric Algorithms for the Analysis of 2D-Electrophoresis Gels", (A. Efrat, F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, C. Schultz, C. Wenk), Proc. 5th Ann. Int. Conf. Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB): 114-123, Montreal, Canada, 2001.
[C3] "Matching Polygonal Curves with Respect to the Fréchet Distance", (H. Alt, C. Knauer, C. Wenk), Proc. 18th Int. Symp. Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS): 63-74, Dresden, Germany, 2001.
[C2] "Applying an Edit Distance to the Matching of Tree Ring Sequences in Dendrochronology", (C. Wenk), Proc. 10th Ann. Symp. Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM):223-242, LNCS 1645, Warwick, Great Britain, 1999.
[C1] "Matching 2D patterns of protein spots", (F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, C. Wenk), Proc. 14th Ann. Symp. Computational Geometry (SoCG): 231-239, Minneapolis, USA, 1998.

Workshop Contributions, Demonstrations, Technical Reports, Newsletters
[W55] "Map Stitcher: Graph Sampling-based Map Conflation" (E. Hosseini Sereshgi, C. Wenk), 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Big Data and AI for Industrial Applications (GeoIndustry), 5 pages, 2024.
[W54] "Length-preserving Matching for Closed Curves" (E. Hosseini Sereshgi, M. Löffler, F. Staals, C. Wenk), 31st Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, 5 pages, 2024.
[W53] "Clustering Points with Line Segments under the Hausdorff Distance is NP-hard" (H.A. Akitaya, M. Löffler, M. Mirzanezhad, C. Wenk), 31st Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, 4 pages, 2024.
[W52] "Visualizing Topological Importance: A Class-Driven Approach" (Y. Qin, B.T. Fasy, C. Wenk, B. Summa), Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Topological Data Analysis and Visualization: 93-103, 2023.
[W51] "Merging Roadmaps Using Graph Distance Measures" (E. Hosseini Sereshgi, C.Wenk), 30th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, 5 pages 2022.
[W50] "The Complexity of Realizing Free Spaces" (H. Akitaya, M. Buchin, M. Mirzanezhad, L. Ryvkin, C. Wenk), 30th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, 4 pages, 2022.
[W49] "Distance Measures for Geometric Graphs" (S. Majhi, C. Wenk), 30th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, 4 pages, 2022.
[W48] "Path-Connectivity of Fréchet Spaces of Graphs" (E. Chambers, B.T. Fasy, B. Holmgren, S. Majhi, C. Wenk), Computational Geometry: Young Researchers Forum: 33-36, 2022.
[W47] "Free Space Realizability for Curves in 1D" (H. Akitaya, M. Buchin, M. Mirzanezhad, L. Ryvkin, C. Wenk), 38th European Workshop on Computational Geometry: 59:1-59:8, 2022.
[W46] "Measuring Length-Preserving Fréchet Correspondence for Graphs in R^2" (K. Buchin, B.T. Fasy, E. Hosseini Sereshgi, C. Wenk), 29th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, 5 pages, 2021
[W45] "Graph Sampling for Map Comparison" (J. Aguilar, K. Buchin, M. Buchin, E. Hosseini Sereshgi, R.I. Silveira, C. Wenk), 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Gems, 2021. Best paper award.
[W44] "On Minimum-Complexity Graph Simplification" (O. Filtser, M. Mirzanezhad, C. Wenk), European Workshop on Computational Geometry: 64:1-64:5, 2021.
[W43] "The Fréchet Distance for Plane Graphs" (P. Fang, C. Wenk), European Workshop on Computational Geometry: 62:1-62:5, 2021.
[W42] "On the Realizability of Free Space Diagrams" (M. Buchin, L. Ryvkin, C. Wenk), European Workshop on Computational Geometry: 51:1-51:7, 2021.
[W41] "Improved Map Construction using Subtrajectory Clustering" (K. Buchin, M. Buchin, J. Gudmundsson, J. Hendriks, E. Hosseini Sereshgi, V. Sacristán, R. Silveira, J. Sleijster, F. Staals, C. Wenk), 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Location-Based Recommendations, Geosocial Networks, and Geoadvertising (LocalRec): article 5, 4 pages, 2020.
[W40] "Computing relevant subtrajectory bundles faster" (E. Hosseini Sereshgi, C. Wenk), Computational Geometry: Young Researchers Forum, 2 pages, 2020.
[W39] Multiscale three-dimensional pathology findings of COVID-19 diseased lung using high-resolution cleared tissue microscopy'', (G. Li, S.E. Fox, B. Summa, B. Hu, C. Wenk, A. Akmatbekov, J.L. Harbert, R.S. Vander Heide, J.Q. Brown), bioRxiv 2020.04.11.037473, 2020.
[W38] "Simulating Urban Patterns of Life: A Geo-Social Data Generation Framework (Demo Paper)", (J.-S. Kim, H. Kavak, U. Manzoor, A.T. Crooks, D. Pfoser, C. Wenk, A. Züfle), 27th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL): 576-579, 2019.
[W37] "Shortest-Path Diversification through Network Penalization: A Washington DC Area Case Study" (D. Cheng, O. Gkountouna, A. Züfle, D. Pfoser, C. Wenk), 12th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (IWCTS), 10 pages, 2019.
[W36] "Simplification of Indoor Space Footprints" (J.-S. Kim, C. Wenk), 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Gems (SpatialGems), 2019; awaiting publication. (arXiv:2001.05564)
[W35] "Threshold-Based Graph Reconstruction Using Discrete Morse Theory" (B.T. Fasy, S. Majhi, C. Wenk), 28th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, 4 pages, Queens College, Queens, NY, 2018.
[W34] "On Optimal Min-# Curve Simplification" (M. van de Kerkhof, I. Kostitsyna, M. Löffler, M. Mirzanezhad, C. Wenk), 28th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, 4 pages, Queens College, Queens, NY, 2018.
[W33] "Quantifying prostate cancer morphology in 3D using light sheet microscopy and persistent homology (Conference Presentation)", (P.J. Lawson, B. Hu, B.T. Fasy, C. Wenk, J.Q. Brown), Proc. SPIE 10472, Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases in the Breast and Reproductive System IV: 1047209, (SPIE BiOS), 2018. doi: 10.1117/12.2290994.
[W32] "Fast Fréchet Distance for Curves with Long Edges", (J. Gudmundsson, M. Mirzanezhad, A. Mohades, C. Wenk), 3rd International Workshop on Interactive and Spatial Computing: 52-58, Richardson, TX, 2018. Best paper award.
[W31] "Map-Matching Using Shortest Paths", (B.T. Fasy, E.W. Chambers, Y. Wang, C. Wenk), 3rd International Workshop on Interactive and Spatial Computing: 44-51, Richardson, TX, 2018.
[W30] "Topological and Geometric Reconstruction of Metric Graphs in Rn", (B.T. Fasy, R. Komendarczyk, S. Majhi, C. Wenk), 27th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry: 78-82, Stony Brook, New York, 2017.
[W29] "On Minimum Area Homotopies of Normal Curves in the Plane", (B.T. Fasy, Selçuk Karakoç, C. Wenk), arXiv:1707.02251, 2017.
[W28] "Distance Measures for Embedded Graphs", (M. Buchin, S. Sijben, C. Wenk), European Workshop on Computational Geometry:37-40, 2017.
[W27] "On Minimum Area Homotopies", (B.T. Fasy, S. Karakoç, C. Wenk), Computational Geometry: Young Researchers Forum: 49-50, 2016.
[W26] "A Middle Curve Based on Discrete Fréchet Distance", (H.-K. Ahn, H. Alt, M. Buchin, E. Oh, L. Scharf, C. Wenk), 18th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WAAC), 2015.
[W25] "A Middle Curve Based on Discrete Fréchet Distance", (H.-K. Ahn, H. Alt, M. Buchin, L. Scharf, C. Wenk), 31st European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG): 204-207, 2015.
[W24] "New Techniques in Road Network Comparison", (M. Ahmed, B.T. Fasy, C. Wenk), Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Data Science in Practical Applications track, 2014.
[W23] "Simple Curve Embedding", (J. Sherette, C. Wenk), arXiv: 1303.0821, 2013.
[W22] "Probabilistic Street-Intersection Reconstruction from GPS Trajectories: Approaches and Challenges", (M. Ahmed, C. Wenk), ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Querying and Mining Uncertain Spatio-Temporal Data (QUeST) (4 pages), Redondo Beach, CA, 2012.
[W21] "Partial Matching Between Surfaces Using Fréchet Distance" (J. Sherette, C. Wenk), 21st Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry (2 pages), City College of New York, Manhattan, NY, 2011.
[W20] "Constructing Street-Maps from GPS Trajectories", (M. Ahmed, C. Wenk), 21st Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry (2 pages), City College of New York, Manhattan, NY, 2011.
[W19] "Computing the Fréchet Distance Between Polyhedral Surfaces with Acyclic Dual Graphs", (A.F. Cook IV, J. Sherette, C. Wenk), 19th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry: 75-76, Tufts University, Medford, MA, 2009.
[W18] "Visiting Points with a Bevel-Tip Needle", (S. Bitner, Y. K. Cheung, A. F. Cook IV, O. Daescu, A. Kurdia, C. Wenk), 19th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry: 61-62, Tufts University, Medford, MA, 2009.
[W17] "Shortest Path Problems on a Polyhedral Surface", (A.F. Cook IV, C. Wenk) UTSA Technical Report CS-TR-2009-001, 2009.
[W16] "Exploiting Road Network Properties in Efficient Shortest-Path Computation", (D. Pfoser, A. Efentakis, A. Voisard, C. Wenk) ICSI Technical Report TR-09-007, International Computer Science Institute, UC Berkeley, 2009.
[W15] "Shortest Path Problems on a Polyhedral Surface", (A.F. Cook IV, C. Wenk) 25th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'09), Brussels, Belgium, 2009.
[W14] "Min-Link Shortest Path Maps and Fréchet Distance", (A.F. Cook IV, C. Wenk) UTSA Technical Report CS-TR-2008-0011, 2008.
[W13] "Geodesic Fréchet Distance With Polygonal Obstacles", (A.F. Cook IV, C. Wenk) UTSA Technical Report CS-TR-2008-0010, 2008.
[W12] "Geodesic Fréchet Distance Inside a Simple Polygon", (A.F.Cook, C. Wenk), 17th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, 2007, IBM Hawthorne.
[W11] "Dynamic Routing", (N.Kalinowski, C. Wenk), UTSA Technical Report CS-TR-2007-005, 2007.
[W10] "Geodesic Fréchet and Hausdorff Distance Inside a Simple Polygon", (A.F. Cook IV, C. Wenk), UTSA Technical Report CS-TR-2007-004, 2007.
[W9] "How Difficult is it to Walk the Dog?", (K. Buchin, M. Buchin, C. Knauer, G. Rote, C. Wenk), 23rd European Workshop on Computational Geometry: 170-173, Graz, Austria, 2007.
[W8] "Shortest Tour of a Sequence of Segments in L" (E. Arkin, A. Efrat, C. Erten, F. Hurtado, J. Mitchell, V. Polishchuk, C. Wenk), 16th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, Smith College, 2006.
[W7] "Computing the Fréchet Distance Between Simple Polygons in Polynomial Time", (K. Buchin, M. Buchin, C. Wenk), 22nd European Workshop on Computational Geometry, Delphi, Greece, 2006.
[W6] "Fréchet Distance Between Simple Polygons", (K. Buchin, M. Buchin, C. Wenk), 15th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2005.
[W5] "Matching Planar Maps", (H. Alt, A. Efrat, G. Rote, C. Wenk), 12th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, Rutgers, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2002.
[W4] "Bounding the Fréchet distance by the Hausdorff distance", (H. Alt, C. Knauer, C. Wenk), 17th European Workshop on Computational Geometry: 166-169, Berlin, Germany, 2001.
[W3] "A Geometric Approach to Protein Identification in 2D Electrophoretic Gel Images" (F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, C. Wenk), 15th European Workshop on Computational Geometry: 173-174, Antibes, France, 1999.
[W2] "A Simple and Robust Geometric Algorithm for Landmark Registration in Computer Assisted Neurosurgery", (F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, S. Schönherr, C. Wenk), Technical Report B 99-21, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, December 1999.
[W1] "New Algorithmic Tools for comparing 2D Patterns of Protein Spots", (F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, C. Wenk), 14th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, Barcelona, Spain, 1998.

Posters, Videos, Software, Websites
[P19] "Computational Geometry Concept Videos: A Dual-Use Project in Education and Outreach (Media Exposition)" (Marjolein Haagsman, Maarten Löffler, Carola Wenk), 40th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2024), LIPIcs 293: 88 (88:1-88:4), 2024. [teaser, video collection]
[P18] "Topological Descriptors for Quantitative Prostate Cancer Morphology Analysis", poster, (P. Lawson, E. Berry, J.Q. Brown, B.T. Fasy, C. Wenk), Conference on Digital Pathology, part of SPIE Medical Imaging, 2017. Poster award (honorable mention).
[P17] "Homotopy visualizer", (P. Evans, A. Burns, C. Wenk), Java code to visualize minimum-area homotopies contracting closed curves to a point, 2016.
[P16] "On Minimum Area Homotopies", poster, (B.T. Fasy, Selçuk Karakoç, C. Wenk), Topology, Geometry, and Data Analysis Conference, Ohio State University, May 2016.
[P15] "Towards an Automated Quantitative Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer", poster, (P. Lawson, C. Miller, B.T. Fasy, Q. Brown, C. Wenk), BD2K All-Hands Grantee Meeting, NIH, November 2015.
[P14] Map Construction Portal,, (M. Ahmed, S. Karagiorgou, D. Pfoser, C. Wenk), since 2013.
[P13] Fréchet-based map construction code, 2013. Based on: "Constructing Street Networks from GPS Trajectories", (M. Ahmed, C. Wenk), European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA): 60-71, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2012. Available on; integrated into Google's codebase.
[P12] Path-based distance measure code for map comparison, 2013. Based on: "Path-Based Distance for Street Map Comparison", (M. Ahmed, B.T. Fasy, K.S. Hickmann, C. Wenk), (arXiv:1309.6131), 2013. Available at
[P11] "Constructing Street-Maps from GPS Trajectories", (M. Ahmed, C. Wenk), poster, Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, 2011.
[P10] "An Efficient Computing Infrastructure for Computational Systems Biology at the University of Texas at San Antonio" (Z. Wang, J. Bower, K.A. Robbins, F. Santamaria, Y. Wang, C. Wenk), poster, 12th RCMI International Symposium on Health Disparities, 2010.
[P9] "Building an institutional base for Computational Neuroscience: the CBI at UTSA/UTHSCSA", (Z. Wang, K.A. Robbins, Y. Wang, C. Livi, A.D. Coop, F. Santamaria, C. Wenk, J.M. Bower), poster, 19th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2010, San Antonio, TX; BMC Neuroscience, 11(Suppl 1):P67, 20 July 2010.
[P8] "A New Perspective on Efficient and Dependable Vehicle Routing", poster, (D. Pfoser, A. Efentakis, A. Voisard, C. Wenk), 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS), Seattle, Washington, 2009.
[P7] "Models for Teardrop Spots in 2-DE Gels", (S.M. Pivek, S.T. Weintraub, C. Wenk), poster, 11th RCMI International Symposium on Health Disparities, 2008.
[P6] "NeuronMetrics", Software for Semi-Automated Processing of Cultured-Neuron Images, 2007. Based on: "NeuronMorphometrics: A Tool for Semi-Automated Processing of Cultured Neuronal Cell Images", (M. Narro, F. Yang, R. Kraft, C. Wenk, A. Efrat, L. Restifo), Brain Research 1138:57-75, Elsevier, 2007.
[P5] "Finding a Curve in a Map" [QuickTime] - [Windows / Media] - [Short Paper] (C. Wenk, H. Alt, A. Efrat, L. Palaniappan, G. Rote), video, 19th Ann. Symp. Computational Geometry (SoCG), 2003, San Diego, USA
[P4] "Drawing Fat Graphs" [avi, gzipped video, abstract ps] (A. Efrat, S.G.Kobourov, M. Stepp, C. Wenk), video, 18th Ann. Symp. Computational Geometry (SoCG), 2002, Barcelona, Spain
[P3] CAROL - a tool for spot detection in and matching of two-dimensional electrophoresis gels: (K. Kriegel, C. Wenk, C. Schultz, F. Hoffmann, D. Dimitrov). Software. Since 2001 integrated into the gel analysis software PDQUEST by BioRad.
[P2] "Identification of Proteins by Point Pattern Matching of Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Databases" (H. Alt, F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, C. Wenk, E. Fleck, H. Oswald, K.-P. Pleissner, S. Wegener), poster, Jahrestagung der Humangenetischen Gesellschaft, October 1998
[P1] "CAROL - New Algorithmic Tools for Comparing Two-Dimensional Electrophoretic Gel Images", (H. Alt, F. Hoffmann, K. Kriegel, C. Wenk, K.-P. Pleissner), poster P21, Electrophorese Forum 1997, Strasbourg

Intellectual Property
[I2] "System And Method for Real-Time Adaptive Resolution Microscope Slide Imaging", (K.L. Ashman, J.Q. Brown, C.M. Licorish, B.M. Summa, C. Wenk), provisional patent, 2021.
[I1] "NeuronMetrics", Software for Semi-Automated Processing of Cultured-Neuron Images, (M. Narro, F. Yang, R. Kraft, C. Wenk, A. Efrat, L. Restifo), Arizona Board of Regents Technology #ua07-056, Trademarked, 2007.

Submitted and in Preparation
[S5] "A Camera-Assisted Pathology Microscope to Digitize Whole Slide Images in Real-time" (K. Ashman, M.S. Cooper, C. Maira, H. Zhuge, S.E. Fox, S. Halat, C. Wenk, B. Summa, J.Q. Brown), in preparation.
[S4] "Length-Preserving Matching Between Curves" (E. Hosseini Sereshgi, M. Löffler, F. Staals, C. Wenk), submitted.
[S3] "The Kinetic Hourglass Data Structure for Computing the Bottleneck Distance" (E. Munch, E.X. Wang, C. Wenk), submitted.
[S2] "Global Curve Simplification" (M. van de Kerkhof, I. Kostitsyna, M. Löffler, M. Mirzanezhad, C. Wenk), journal version, in preparation.
[S1] "On Minimum Area Homotopies", (B.T. Fasy, S. Karakoç, C. Wenk), in preparation.

Invited Talks
6/2022 "Comparing Embedded and Immersed Graphs", Rote-Alt Fest, CG Week, Freie Universität Berlin
5/2021 "Comparing Embedded and Immersed Graphs", Seminar on Computational Geometry, Schloss Dagstuhl, Online
3/2021 "Comparing Embedded and Immersed Graphs", Geometry Seminar, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
10/2019 "Topological Data Analysis for Prostate Cancer Tissue Analysis and Map Comparison", Department of Mathematics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
10/2019 "Topological Data Analysis for Prostate Cancer Tissue Analysis and Map Comparison", ICAR at LIRMM, Université de Montpellier, France
9/2019 "Fast Fréchet Distance and Global Curve Simplification", Fakultät für Mathematik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
9/2019 "Fast Fréchet Distance and Global Curve Simplification", Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany
9/2019 "Topological Data Analysis for Prostate Cancer Tissue Analysis and Map Comparison", Informatikkolloquium, FernUniversität Hagen, Germany
8/2019 "Curves, Distance Measures, and Homotopies", Seminar on Computation in Low-Dimensional Geometry and Topology, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany
10/2018 "On Map Construction, Map Comparison, and Trajectory Clustering", Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering Seminar, Montana State University
08/2018 "On Map Construction, Map Comparison, and Trajectory Clustering"; distinguished lecture at the 30th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, University of Manitoba, Canada
05/2018 "Applications of Persistent Homology to Low-Dimensional Data" , TGDA@OSU TRIPODS Center Workshop on "Theory and Foundations of TGDA", Ohio State University
03/2018 "Algorithms for Map Construction and Comparison", lecture series, 10th Winter School on Computational Geometry, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran.
04/2017 "On Minimum-Area Homotopies of Curves in the Plane", Special Session on Applications of Topology and Geometry, Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Research Symposium, University of California Los Angeles.
03/2017 "Applications of Computational Geometry and Topology in Shape Matching", Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM) Student Chapter, Tulane.
03/2015 "Road Map Construction and Comparison", Seminar on Computational Geometry, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany
09/2014 "Road Map Construction and Comparison", Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
08/2014 "Constructing Road Maps from Trajectories", Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University
02/2014 "Geometric Algorithms for Shapes And Trajectories", Workshop Morphogenesis, Regeneration and the Analysis of Shape, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State University
01/2014 "On Map Construction and Map Comparison", Association for Women in Mathematics Workshop, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore
10/2013 "Geometric Algorithms for Shapes And Trajectories", Biomedical Engineering Seminar, Tulane University
06/2012 "Shape Analysis and Reconciliation of Geospatial Trajectory Data", GEOCROWD summer school, Crete, Greece
03/2011 "Computing the Fréchet Distance for Folded Polygons", Seminar on Computational Geometry, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany
04/2009 "The Computational Biology Initiative at the University of Texas at San Antonio", RTRN Bioinformatics & Comp Bio Working Group Webinar Series, Research Centers in Minority Institutions Translational Research Network (RTRN),
03/2009 "Fréchet Distance Variants for Curves and Surfaces", Texas A&M University, Computer Science and Engineering Department
03/2009 "Shortest Path Problems on a Polyhedral Surface" Seminar on Computational Geometry, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany
02/2009 "Fréchet Distance Variants for Curves and Surfaces", University of Texas at Austin, Computer Science Department
02/2009 "Towards traffic-aware routing using GPS vehicle trajectories", University of Texas - Pan American, Computer Science Department
10/2007 "Towards traffic-aware routing using GPS vehicle trajectories", City College New York, Computer Science Department
12/2005 "Imaging and Analysis of 2D-Electrophoresis Gels", Tools in Genomics and Proteomics Workshop, UT Health Science Center, San Antonio
10/2005 "Applications of Geometric Shape Matching", City College New York, Computer Science Department
05/2005 "Shape Matching for Curves and Graphs", Seminar on Graph Drawing, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany
07/2004 "Matching and Comparing Curves", Lancaster University, Computing Department, UK
09/2003 "Geometric Algorithms for Biomedical Applications", International Workshop on Object Recognition, Taormina, Sicily, Italy
05/2003 "Applications of Geometric Shape Matching", University of Arizona, Department of Management Information Systems
03/2003 "Finding a Curve in a Map", video presentation, Seminar on Computational Geometry, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany
01/2003 "Two Topics in Shape Matching: Matching Electrophoresis Gels and Finding a Curve in a Map", Tel Aviv University, Computer Science Department
03/2002 "Geometric Algorithms for Biomedical Applications", Arizona State University, Department of Bioengineering
04/2001 "Applications of Geometric Shape Matching", University of Arizona, Computer Science Department
03/2001 "Approximate Matching of Polygonal Curves with Respect to the Fréchet Distance", Seminar on Computational Geometry, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany
11/2000 "Approximate Matching of Polygonal Curves with Respect to the Fréchet Distance", graduate program "Computational Discrete Mathematics", Freie Universität Berlin
02/2000 "Geometric Pattern Matching with Applications", Berliner Algorithmentag (BAT), Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

Paper and Poster Presentations
06/2024 "Computational Geometry Concept Videos: A Dual-Use Project in Education and Outreach (Media Exposition)" (Marjolein Haagsman, Maarten Löffler, Carola Wenk), 40th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2024), 2024. [teaser, video collection]
04/2018 "Map-Matching Using Shortest Paths", (B.T. Fasy, E.W. Chambers, Y. Wang, C. Wenk), 3rd International Workshop on Interactive and Spatial Computing, Richardson, TX.
11/2017 "Clustering Trajectories for Constructing Maps", International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), Redondo Beach, CA.
07/2012 "Partial Matching Between Surfaces Using Fréchet Distance", Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT), Helsinki, Finland.
12/2008 "Models for Teardrop Spots in 2-DE Gels", poster, 11th RCMI International Symposium on Health Disparities, Honolulu, HI.
11/2005 "Fréchet Distance Between Simple Polygons", 15th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry and Visualization, Pennsylvania, PA.
07/2004 "Matching Polyhedral Terrains Using Overlays of Envelopes", 9th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT), Humlebaek, Denmark.
01/2003 "Matching Planar Maps", 14th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), Baltimore, USA.
11/2002 "Matching Planar Maps", DIMACS Workshop on Computational Geometry, Piscataway, USA.
01/2002 "Covering Shapes by Ellipses", 13th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), San Francisco, USA.
09/2001 "Drawing with Fat Edges", 9th International Symposium on Graph Drawing, Vienna, Austria.
03/2001 "Bounding the Fréchet distance by the Hausdorff distance", 17th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
07/1999 "Applying an Edit Distance to the Matching of Tree Ring Sequences in Dendrochronology", 10th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM), Warwick, UK.

Editorial Activities and Steering Committees
Editorial board member, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications. Since 2021.
Steering committee member, ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoSpatial Simulation (GeoSim), Since 2020.
Editorial board member, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications. Since 2019.
General co-chair, 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoSpatial Simulation (GeoSim), 2019.
Editorial board member, Journal of Spatial Information Science. Since 2018.
Steering committee member, International Workshop on Interactive and Spatial Computing. Since 2018.
Co-editor (with Dieter Pfoser) of the Geoinformatica special issue on Crowdsourcing Geospatial Information, 2015.
Co-editor (together with Afra Zomorodian) of the Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications (CGTA) special issue on SoCG 2009.

Program Committees
1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Anomaly Detection (GeoAnomalies’24); general co-chair.
33rd International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), Minneapolis, Minnessota, 2025; poster & short papers co-chair.
32nd International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), Atlanta, Georgia, 2024; vice PC chair and poster/demo co-chair.
40th International Computational Geometry Media Exposition (CG:ME), Athens, Greece, 2024.
31st International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), Hamburg, Germany, 2023; vice PC chair.
5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Gems (SpatialGems), 2023.
30th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), Seattle, Washington, 2022; senior program committee member.
38th Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), Berlin, Germany, 2022.
29th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), Beijing, China, 2021.
22nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), 2021.
37th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG), 2021.
17th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS), 2021.
17th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), 2021.
28th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), Seattle, WA, 2020.
Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), 2020.
6th International ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data (GEORICH), 2020
3rd Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry, 2020.
Workshop on Applications of Topological Data Analysis (ATDA), 2019.
Winter Simulation Conference, Big Data in Simulation track, 2019.
16th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), Vienna, Austria, 2019.
31st Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG), University of Alberta, Canada, 2019.
26th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), Seattle, WA, 2018.
1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoSpatial Simulation (GeoSim) 2018.
5th International ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data (GEORICH), 2018.
Chair of the Workshop Committee for Computational Geometry Week, 2018.
26th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), Track B (Engineering and Application Track), Helsinki, Finland, 2018.
34th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG), Berlin, Germany, 2018.
25th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), Redondo Beach, CA, 2017.
15th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), Arlington, 2017.
4th International ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data (GEORICH), 2017.
33rd European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG), Malmö, Sweden, 2017.
Meeting on Algorithms Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX), Barcelona, Spain, 2017.
24th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), San Francisco, CA, 2016.
Young Researchers Forum, associated with the International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), 2016.
3rd International ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data (GEORICH), 2016.
23rd International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), Seattle, WA, 2015.
14th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), Seoul, South Korea, 2015.
14th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS), University of Victoria, BC, Canada, 2015.
2nd International ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data (GEORICH), 2015.
6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICoB), Las Vegas, NV, 2014.
23rd Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, City College of New York, 2013.
13th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), Munich, Germany, 2013.
5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICoB), Honolulu, Hawaii, 2013.
7th International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop (FAW) and the 9th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects of Information and Management (AAIM), Dalian, China, 2013.
29th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2013.
29th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG), Braunschweig, Germany, 2013.
6th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA), Banff, Canada, 2012.
20th Annual Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2012.
17th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON), Dallas, TX, 2011.
12th Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), Minneapolis, MN, 2011.
25th ACM Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), Aarhus, Denmark, June 8-10, 2009.
8th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), Mannheim, Germany, 2007.

Grant Reviews
NSF Review Panel Member, 2007, 2008, 2013, 2015, 2017-2019, 2021-2022, 2025.
NSF Site Visit Member, 2024.
Reviewer for NSF, 2016, 2018.
Reviewer for National Science and Research Council of Canada, 2010, 2015, 2019, 2021.
Reviewer for Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, 2010, 2011, 2017.
Reviewer for Swiss National Science Foundation, 2009.

Reviewer Service

  • Journals:
    ACM Transactions on Algorithms, Algorithmica, BMC Bioinformatics, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Computer-Aided Geometric Design, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Discrete Mathematics, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Information Processing Letters, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, International Journal of Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics, International Journal of Robotics Research, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Journal of Spatial Information Science, Journal for Graph Algorithms and Applications, Nordic Journal of Computing, Pattern Recognition, PLOS One, Sensors, SIAM Journal on Computing, Theoretical Computer Science, Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems
  • Conferences:
  • Books and other reviewing activities:
    Addison-Wesley, MIT Press, Springer, Mathematical Reviews;
    Member of the review panel for Grace Hopper Celebration scholarships, 2007-2014.

    Organization of Scientific Events
    Co-organizer (with B. Burton, M. Löffler, E.W. Chambers) of the Dagstuhl seminar "Applications of Topology to the Analysis of 1-Dimensional Objects", February 12-17, 2017.
    Co-organizer (with Rolf A. de By) of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information (GEOCROWD), November 4, 2014.
    Co-organizer (with A. Efrat) and treasurer of the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), June 5-7 2006, Sedona, Arizona.
    Co-organizer (with H. Alt) of the 17th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, March 26-28 2001, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
    Co-organizer (with B. Felsner) of the ALT-FEST, Colloquium on the occasion of the 50th birthday of Prof. Dr. Helmut Alt, with talks, May 9th 2000, Freie Universität Berlin.

    Teaching Experience
    Postdoctoral Researchers Supervised
    2023 - 2024 Yuke Li
    2019 - 2020 Ovi Chris Rouly (Now at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)
    2018 - 2019 Umar Manzoor (Now Associate Professor at University of Sunderland)
    2013 - 2015 Brittany Fasy (Now Associate Professor at Montana State University)

    External Member on PhD Committees
    Students (Tulane)
    Students (UTSA)

    Other Teaching Activities
    Institutional Service (External)
    2022 - 2023 Member and sub-committee chair of the Principles Review Committee; Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)

    Institutional Service (Tulane)
    2012 - present Newcomb Fellow
    2016 - 2024 Member of the Faculty Handbook Committee
    2020 - 2021 Member of the SSE Nominating Committee
    2020 - 2021 Member of the Senate Committee on Comittees
    2015 - 2021 SSE representative on the University Senate
    2016 - 2019 Member of the President's Faculty Advisory Committee
    2018 - 2019 Chair of the SSE Graduate Studies Committee (member since 2016)
    2015 - 2019 Graduate coordinator, Department of Computer Science
    2016 - 2018 Member of the Ad hoc senate committee on reform of the University Senate
    2015 - 2016 Co-organizer (with Bruce Gibb) of the SSE Lunch-time Faculty Research Seminars
    2013 - 2016 Member of the SSE Curriculum Committee
    2013 - 2016 2012 - 2016 Proposal development for the PhD program in Computer Science

    Shared Governance (UT System)
    2009 - 2012 University of Texas System Faculty Advisory Council (UTFAC), member
    2011 - 2012 Executive Committee (UTFAC), member
    2011 - 2012 Co-Chair of the Academic Affairs and Faculty Quality (UTFAC)

    Shared Governance (UTSA)
    2010 - 2012 Chair of the Faculty Senate (vice chair 2009-2010, member 2008-2010)
    2008 - 2012 Faculty Senate Executive Committee, member (chair since Fall 2010)
    2009 - 2010 Faculty Senate Handbook of Operating Procedures Committee, member
    2009 - 2010 Faculty Senate Budget Committee, member

    University Committees (UTSA)
    2011 - 2012 Executive Leadership Council, member
    2009 - 2012 Strategic Resource Planning Council, member
    2010 Resource Strategy Team, member
    2010 - 2012 Committee on the Handbook of Operating Procedures, member
    2010 - 2012 Facilities and Administration (F&A) Task Force, member

    College Service (UTSA)
    2010 - 2012 Head of the Computational Biology Initiative (CBI;
    2005 - 2007 College Policy Committee, member
    2006 - 2007 Dissertation Awards Committee, member
    2011 - 2012 College Faculty Review Advisory Council (CFRAC), member
    2011 - 2012 Cyber Security Council, member

    Departmental Service (UTSA)
    2007 - 2012 Chair of the Communications Committee and Communications Director
    2004 - 2007 Faculty Search Committee, member
    2009 - 2010 Faculty Search Committee, member
    2005 - 2007 Secretary of the Department Faculty Forum
    2004 - 2012 PhD Exam Committee (Algorithms Portion), member
    2006 - 2007 Theory Sub-Committee, member
    2005 - 2009 Graduate Studies Committee, member
    2009 - 2012 Graduate Recruitment Committee, member
    2009 Faculty Mentoring Task Force, member

    Last modified by Carola Wenk,   cwenk  -at-   tulane  -dot-   edu, 06/24/2019 17:15:38