CMPS 2200 Introduction to Algorithms
Fall 17

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Class Description:

This course will survey the design and analysis of algorithms. We will study several basic algorithmic paradigms (e.g. divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, the greedy approach and randomization), their application to core problems in graph theory and optimization, as well as analysis of time and space complexity. Our focus will be on understanding these paradigms and studying the algorithmic problems that can be solved using that particular paradigm with respect to particular application areas.

For each of the topics above, we will consider a number of different application areas (e.g. divide-and-conquer algorithms for scientific computing, sorting, etc.). At the end of this course, students should be able to:


CMPS 1500, CMPS 1600, CMPS/MATH 2170. Please contact the instructor if you have any questions.

Class webpage:

Time & Place:

Lectures: MWF 2:00pm - 2:50pm, ST 302
Lab, section 1: R 8:00am - 9:15pm, GI 325
Lab, section 2: R 2:00pm - 3:15pm, GI 325


Required textbook: Algorithms by Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, Vazirani

Optional textbook for reference: Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition; Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein; MIT Press.


Carola Wenk
Stanley Thomas, 303F
E-mail: cwenk  -at-   tulane  -dot-   edu
Phone: 504-865-5805
Office hours: TF 3pm-5pm, and by appointment

Teaching Assistants:

Avik Bhattacharya
Office hours: T 1pm-3pm, and by appointment; ST 309

Erin Stafford
E-mail: estaffor  -at-   tulane  -dot-   edu
Office hours: M 4pm - 6pm, and by appointment; ST 305

Last modified by Carola Wenk,   cwenk  -at-   tulane  -dot-   edu,